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How to Leave No One Behind as out of school becomes the norm – thoughts from Civil Society


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by the Collective Consultation of NGOs on Education 2030 (CCNGO-Ed2030)

In just three months, the number of global COVID-19 cases has rapidly increased to almost 2 million as of April 16. It has gone beyond a health crisis, affecting all sectors from social to financial. With more than 1.5 billion learners out of school across 191 countries, the full ramifications of COVID-19 on education and learning are still unfolding. 

Civil society and NGOs are the eyes and ears on the ground during this COVID-19 learning crisis and highlight five needs post-crisis:

  • Education needs everyone and everyone needs education: The whole community approach and strengthened partnerships - with governments, non-governmental organizations, civil society, teachers, parents, youth and the private sector - is the only way forward for sustainable quality education solutions. The community approach begins with concerted efforts, during and beyond the crisis, including through non-formal education to support parents and teachers as front-line actors in sustaining learning.

  • Students need relevant curricular adapted to these uncertain times: Including social and emotional learning as well as global citizenship.

  • Learners need safe, accessible communication/IT solutions which protect the user’s data: The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) indicates 3.6 billion people remain offline, with the majority of the unconnected living in least developed countries where just two out of ten people are online. 

  • Edtech solutions need to be equitable, context-sensitive and should reinforce the right to education of all: This can be fostered through global and country-level mapping of needs and capacities. Quality, free online courses can alleviate the impact of potential future school closures with targeted inclusive, quality distance education opportunities for the most vulnerable to accelerate progress to SDG4.

  • Education budgets must be protected: Budgets towards education must be protected through this financial crisis and where possible, increased for adequate and equitable solutions to be deployed and sustained. 

The CCNGO-Ed2030 members raise the flag on lockdowns and subsequent school closures causing: 

  • Shrinking opportunities for education in refugee camps and for the poorest: Education Cannot Wait terms this the ‘pile-on effect’ of the coronavirus.

  • Heightening mental and physical health problems: The World Food Programme (WFP) states that more than 320 million children around the world are now missing out on school meals due to school closures because of COVID-19. Many of these children are from poor families and depend on the daily meals they receive at school. Social safety nets, food security in this period of emergency are essential for continued learning for poor students. 

  • Growing inequalities: Many students are not benefiting from any form of education (online, TV, radio or print) nor academic monitoring and risk not returning to school.

  • Increasing reliance on shadow education post COVID 19 will adversely impact poorer students.

  • Increasing vulnerability: According to UN Women every day, on average, 137 women are killed by a member of their own family and domestic violence against women and children spike when households are placed under increased strains from insecurity, ill health, money worries, cramped or confined living conditions. In addition children's exposure to online communities increases their vulnerability to cyberbullying, risky behavior and sexual exploitation.  On the employment front, the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) estimates working hours will decline by 6.7 per cent in the second quarter of 2020, which is equivalent to 195 million full-time workers and is likely to affect women disproportionately.

About the CCNGO-Ed2030

The Collective Consultation of NGOs on Education 2030 (CCNGO-Ed2030), made up of partners from all regions, is UNESCO’s key mechanism for dialogue, reflection and partnership with NGOs. Its Coordinating Group is comprised of 10 elected members: Mercedes Mayol Lassalle, World Organisation for Early Childhood Education and Care (OMEP), Refat Sabbah, Global Campaign for Education (GCE), Rasheda Choudhury, Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE), Kouame Paulin Jr., Ivorian Network for the Promotion of Education for All, Samuel Ndembele, Africa Network Campaign on Education For All (ANCEFA), Hala Gubbaj, Teacher creativity center (TCC), Christoph Jost, European Association for the Education of Adults (DVV International), Maria Khan, Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE), Blanca Cecília Gomez, Campaña Latinoamericana por el Derecho a la Educación (CLADE), Marie-Claude Machon Honore, UNESCO NGO liaison Committee.

See the CCNGO-Ed2030's working procedures and if interested in joining the network apply via this form (available in French and English).  

Related links: 

Civil society: Social and political action to prioritize education on political agendas - information and links about the Collective Consultation of NGOs on Education 2030's Global Meeting of December 2019.













  • 教育需要每个人,每个人都需要教育:与政府,非政府组织,公民社会,教师,父母,青年和私营部门合作的整个社区方案强化的伙伴关系,是实现可持续优质教育方案的唯一途径。在危机期间及危机之后,社区方案始于一致的努力,包括通过非正规教育用以支持父母和教师作为一线参与者来维持学习。

  • 学生需要这些不确定时期相适应相关课程:包括社交和情感学习以及全球公民身份学习

  • 学习者需要 安全,可访问的通信/ IT方案,以保护用户的数据:国际通信联盟(ITU)指出,有36亿人处于离线状态,其中大多数未连接的人生活在最不发达国家中,在那里,只有十分之二的人上网 

  • 教育技术方案必须是公平的,因地制宜的,并应加强所有人的受教育权:这可以通过在全球和国家层面对需求和能力进行的提升来促进。优质,免费的在线课程可以为最易受影响的人群提供有针对性的,全面的,优质的远程教育机会,以减轻未来可能停课的影响,以加速实现教育可持续发展目标4SDG4

  • 必须教育预算:必须通过这次金融危机保证教育预算,并在可能的情况下增加预算,以部署和维持适当和公平的解决方案。 


  • 在难民营和最贫困人口中受教育的机会越来越少教育无法等待这一组织把这称为冠状病毒的堆积效应

  • 日益严重的身心健康问题:世界粮食计划署(WFP)指出,由于COVID-19导致学校停课,全球现在有超过3.2亿儿童失学。这些孩子中有许多来自贫困家庭,并依赖于他们在学校每天获得的餐食。在这段紧急时期,社会安全网,粮食安全对贫困学生的持续学习至关重要。 

  • 日益严重的不平等:许多学生没有从任何形式的教育(在线,电视,广播或印刷形式)中受益,也没有受到学术监督,并且冒着不返校的风险。

  • COVID 19后对影子教育课外补习的依赖性越来越高,将对贫困学生产生不利影响。

  • 日益增加的脆弱性:根据联合国妇女署每天的报道,平均来说,有137名妇女被自己的家庭成员杀害由于家庭因不安全感,健康欠佳,资金匮乏,拥挤或狭窄的生活条件妇女儿童受到的家庭暴力激增。此外,儿童接触在线社区会他们更易遭受网络欺凌,危险行为和性剥削。在就业方面,国际劳工组织(ILO)估计,到2020年第二季度,工作时间将减少6.7%,相当于1.95亿全职工人,并可能对妇女产生不成比例的影响。


由各地区合作伙伴组成的2030年非政府组织教育集体协商会(CCNGO-Ed2030)是教科文组织与非政府组织进行对话,反思和建立伙伴关系的关键机制。其协调小组由10个当选成员组成:梅赛德斯·梅奥尔·拉萨尔,世界幼儿教育和关怀组织(OMEP),Refat Sabbah,全球教育运动(GCE),拉谢达·乔杜里Rasheda Choudhury),大众教育运动(CAMPE),库阿姆·保林小,科特迪瓦全民教育网络,塞缪尔·恩德贝勒,非洲全民教育网络运动(ANCEFA),哈拉·古芭Hala Gubbaj,教师创造力中心(TCC),克里斯托夫·乔斯特Christoph Jost,欧洲协会成人教育(DVV国际),玛丽亚·,南亚地区协会的基础和成人教育(ASPBAE),布兰卡塞西莉亚·戈麦斯,坎帕纳拉丁美洲POR EL Derecho一拉教育协会(分支),玛丽-克洛德·玛臣奥诺雷联合国教科文组织非政府组织联络委员会。



公民社会:在政治议程上优先考虑教育的社会和政治行动 -有关2019122030年全球教育非政府组织集体协商的信息和链接。